Contract surety bonds can be a critical component in your ability to obtain work.

Whether you specialize in general construction, highway construction, heavy civil projects, or trade and specialty sectors of all sizes, we have the ability to craft a surety program to meet your ongoing needs.

Scott’s Bond Specialists have a combined total of 125+ years of experience in the industry. We have the resources and expertise to provide tailored bond solutions specific to your needs, regionally, nationally and internationally. Working with major bonding companies as well as specialty sureties, we are able to ensure the most favorable programs and the highest possible level of confidentiality and convenience.

Our offerings include, but are not limited to:

  • Bid/Performance & Payment Bonds
  • Licensee Bonds
  • Court and Fiduciary Bonds
  • Public Official Bonds
  • Miscellaneous Bonds


Scott Insurance is proud to be a member of the following organizations: